Episode 09: Making space for Sustainability
Libby and Renée come back from summer break with an episode that felt like it was missing and yet really matters: It’s about Letting Go! We think it's great to have a sustainability intention, yet most of us can point to some kind of emotional or material clutter holding us back. When we can let go of things that don't serve us anymore – and, in the light of climate change, this might also mean our imagined futures – we naturally become present to our here-and-now priorities, and gain energy for the new things we want to tackle. We talk about ways to do this, such as “releasing to receive” and “ripping off the bandaid”, as well as calling on others for help in the process. And we discuss how releasing stuff can lead to powerful insights and innovation. Enjoy!
In a somewhat unconventional 12-episode podcast series, a Novelist and an ex-Googler – Libby and Renée, based in Switzerland – draw on science and data as well as humanity's creativity and flawed beauty to come to terms with – and find actions to address! – our global, local and personal sustainability challenges.
Reach us anytime at sustainablemailbag@gmail.com
Decarbonista Facebook group “Let’s make space for change” https://www.facebook.com/groups/DECARBONISTA/permalink/1302136656657082
Worksheet on Uncovering Limiting Beliefs (or Challenging Bottlenecks)
Sas Petherick http://saspetherick.com the Coach Libby worked with
Renée read the excerpt from page 71 of Thich Nhat Hanh’s book The Other Shore
“Mother Earth catches Ireland burning fossil fuels” Comedy piece by Foilarmsandhog at https://www.instagram.com/tv/CE8mSR5qMqC/?igshid=pkuqq28ziyi0
A quick explanation of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Scope Emissions:
Scope 1 - direct carbon emissions - on the individual level this comes from personal vehicles, BBQs, wood fires, or gas burning stoves
Scope 2 - direct carbon emissions - from purchased electricity, heat and steam
Scope 3 - indirect carbon emissions - “upstream” or “downstream” from your personal choices like emissions from what you eat, buy, wear, subscribe to, invest in, etc.
Wikipedia explanation of Scope Emissions (scroll down to “Direct Carbon Emissions” and “Indirect Carbon Emissions”) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_footprint
The music!
’Optimistic Life' performed by The Smithereens, used under license from Shutterstock