My Personal Footprint
WORK IT OUT: Calculate—A First Step in Planning (20 mins)
Calculate your footprint using one of the recommended country calculators found on the page You’ll get the most accurate reading by using a calculator designed for your country’s standards. Pick a calculator bespoke to your country and one you’re willing to use again when you recalculate at a later time.
Use the last 5 yexars of what you consider your “normal life” as the baseline. You want to reflect your personal annual carbon footprint from the way you currently live. We recommend keeping track of how you answer the questions in your journal or by taking screenshots. This will enable you to revisit them later when you are exploring ways to reduce that Segment.
NOTE that Footprint calculators cannot give perfect pictures because they leave out highly personalized elements like investments and specific purchases. They’re also not all the same! Some don’t group the Segments as we do (e.g., Home Energy and Electricity is often broken out separately). Some of them group the Associated words differently. If you find this confusing, do your best to follow our breakdown in the table below.